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This template allows you to insert a specific hex color (With colored text preview). Useful for character descriptions and stuff that requires exact colors for reference.


The usual syntax of the extension is

{{ColorPreview| colorhex=rrggbb| }} where rr would be 0-255 for the Red color, gg would be 0 - 255 for the Green color, and bb would be 0 - 255 for the Blue color.

For example, A preview for a deep blue would be written as: {{ColorPreview| colorhex=000033| }}

And its output would be: #000000 .

There are situations where the color is fairly bright, and as such, it conflicts with the background color. For that reason, there's an extra argument to the extension that allows you to set a background color for the text that showcases it.

{{ColorPreview| colorhex=rrggbb| bgcolor=rrggbb| }}

Please be merciful and add senseful backgrounds in the case the color does require it. I'm serious.

White, for example, can be written as:

{{ColorPreview| colorhex=FFF| bgcolor=121212| }}

and its output will be #000000 .